Saturday, March 01, 2014

Time is running out! LAST chance to get WALLOW for FREE

Okay - you have put it off long enough. Now is the time to act. Tomorrow WALLOW goes back to the cover price of $10 plus shipping and handling.
What else are you going to do today that can give you $10+ in five minutes?

Get WALLOW free

WALLOW at number 6

WALLOW rose as high as #3 in Top 100 Free Literary Fiction Short Stories - and it has stayed in the Top 10 since then. Today is the last day you can get it free. WALLOW: stories, rumors and other theatrics

Thursday, February 27, 2014

WALLOW featured on the blast email from Author Marketing Club!

My application to be included was accepted today! The email featured WALLOW on the Literature & Fiction section.

The countdown is on! 3 days left...

A $10 value. More even since there is no shipping and no handling. Write a review!

Get WALLOW free

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Only four days left!

WALLOW normally sells for $10 plus shipping and handling. Here's your chance to get it for free on your Kindle. Or you Kindle reader.
Get WALLOW free

WALLOW made #3 in Top 100 Free Literary Fiction Short Stories for 2/25/2014

Based on the review from Linda Ostrom, and the Facebook and Twitter promotions, WALLOW achieved 23 free downloads, moving it into the 3rd spot on the list of top 100 free literary fiction short stories books. Amazing.

Monday, February 24, 2014

WALLOW on Pixel of Ink

I submitted WALLOW for an ad on Pixel of Ink. No guarantees but hopefully it will make the listing.

Doing some marketing on Book Goodies

I did the author interview on Book Goodies. Check it out here.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Using Amazon Select to offer WALLOW for FREE for five days

From February 25, 2014 to March 1, 2014 I will be offering the Amazon Kindle version of my book WALLOW for FREE.

Joined Author Marketing Club

I saw references to it in a couple places - including 30 ways to market your eBook and a post from Jessica Penn.

I joined as a free member.


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