Saturday, August 23, 2003

the world just opens up

I just found this resource called MidWest Book Review. From there I found the Book Clearing House that will perhaps (hopefully) agree to distribute my books. For a hefty fee (Out of the cover price of $10, I get $3.10...) of course, but it's better than having the books sit in boxes at the studio. Well, careful now, I can't just give them away.

I also found information about the Amazon Advantage program. They pay only 45% of the cover price. I guess the only advantage they are talking about is theirs.

places to publish stories

Okay, some of the marketing that goes into selling a book is really marketing the author. And that means getting people to read some stories. Once they read a story, hopefully they'll want more.

In the interest of getting some stories out there, here is one place: Espresso Fiction. I also sent an email to Blue Mountain Arts, I want to write cards for them. Wouldn't that be cool? now that isn't really marketing for books, because who ever finds out who wrote a card. but I can write cards - I'm good at it.

More places to submit articles:

Friday, August 22, 2003

minor hiatus

I am starting a new job. You can expect posts here to be infrequent for the next couple of weeks while I get my schedule figured out.