Friday, August 01, 2003

Found the Fiction Forum

Using my old technique of looking at other self-published authors web sites, I found the Fiction Forum. I can't seem to fingure out how to get myself listed there, except to either have my book reviewed (they will do it, they only publish reviews from one of their staff) or to submit to an author interview. Since they aren't accepting books for review right now (I signed up for their email list so I would know when they will start accepting books to be reviewed again) and since I had so much fun with the last interview, I figured I would submit to the interview. I had to give them a 100-word bio, and here it is:

Rick Pryll is the author of two books, a widely-renowned hyperfiction short story called LIES, and award-winning short stories and poems. His work has appeared in THINK, Optimism and SHIFT magazines. Currently living in Charlotte, North Carolina, Rick spent six years living in, and writing about, the American expatriate community in Prague, the Czech Republic.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Created Press and Reviews Page

Ran out of time to:

1) add all the links to all the work I have done here,
2) upload my work to the Volny server.

I'll have to pick it up from here tomorrow.

Progress by fits and starts

I just created a banner ad for WALLOW. I added it to my personal home page as well as to my LIES page. Now, I had already created a banner ad for these pages, with the hope of catching some of the traffic these pages get, but that banner got lost in the shuffle of servers I had been using at the time. But now the banner ad is back.

The banner is sort of mysterious. I like it that way. but the truth of the matter is that the photo editting software I have here at work won't allow me to add text to the graphic. So I just left it off. I can always add it later.

The next thing that I should get to working on is the other pages within WALLOW the web site to promote the book. I already have a good list of what they should be, it is just a matter of actually creating the pages. Keep it simple in the beginning, I can always add craziness later.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I wonder...

Now here's a thought - is there such a thing as over-promoting your web site? I mean, you know how some of these places have all these banners, stickers, and crap all over their pages? Ugly and annoying if you ask me. Isn't the whole point to remian as uncluttered by these things as possible? I think it is. I will put them all in one page at the back of the web site. That should be enough.

created META tags for DISPLACED...

I added them to the DISPLACED home page. Then I went and submitted both FOOLISHNESS PRESS and DISPLACED to SubmitExpress. It seems to have worked. Now if you search for FOOLISHNESS PRESS on Google, you get my web site. not that anyone will actually type in Foolishness Press. But at least I'm there now.

Finally submitted the interview...

Now who knows when it is going to come up on the site. You'll know when I do.

After writing 3 separate sets of answers (sincere, funny and glib) I had Holly choose her favorites. Then I compiled the favorites, and chose the responses that I felt had the best chance of working together. I printed out that interview yesterday, and Holly approved it. There was only one question that I still didn't have an acceptable answer to, so I wrote yet another one. Not sure it is the strongest part of the interview even still, but there are some very strong parts. So today I submitted it.

Funny little aside here: as I was logging in to check my email today, so I could submit the interview, I received in my email box a query from a corporate recruiter for a position in Charleston, SC. The ironic part is that she included 8 questions for me to answer - not unlike the interview I had just completed for Writers Manual. Crazy, right? I think my answering the interview questions with Holly's help helped me significantly on this job interview as well.