Saturday, August 16, 2003

new site to check out

there is a certain amount of this that has made me feel like I am chasing my tail. I mean, wrodthunder seems closely associated with writer's manual, and I can't tell the difference between writer's manual, wrtier's gazette and - they seem like they are all just offshoots of the same site.

Today I found something new. It's called and it seems like it is a little more established. I guess that's the word I'm looking for. There is no place to send in your own interview or to promote or review your own book. Right away that seems a little more legit to me. In addition, they have a list of links to a bunch of other sites that I didn't know about. I will use this as my jumping off point for the next couple days if not weeks.

banner exchange

Earlier in this blog I question whether or not I would go so far as to add all these crazy banners to my site. The answer I have decided upon is that yes, but only to certain sections of the site. My press/reviews page is the perfect place for things like this. I have registered with the BestBookLinks Banner Exchange program. Hopefully my mysterious banner ad will draw some attention.

updated er-ra-ta page

I write it like that because I included on the page the definition of errata. I di it mostly because I wanted to know the singular for errata, which Merriam-Webster tells me is erratum. By the way, the best dictionary online, in my opinion is Merriam-Webster. I use it all the time. But the definition of errata includes another word I never saw before: corrigenda. So I included that definition on the errata page as well. It looks good on the page, it provides me with the little extra contant I needed for that page, and I just like to educate as I serve.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

more promotion

I added both WALLOW and displaced to I need to add a reciprocal link on my Press/Reviews page in the WALLOW web site.

I also posted a message on for readers/reviewers to contact me. I am really desperate for someone to review my book. Review and help me promote I should say.

Monday, August 11, 2003

BIO page and PRESS/REVIEWS page updated

See, now these pages were getting a little text heavy. So I went and added thumbnails (not true thumbnails, but just images scaled down, I know it's not the best way, but it's the way for now) to both the BIO page and the PRESS/REVIEWS page. It sure punches them up a little bit.

I have put countless hours into this site already. Today alone, I would have to say it has been about 6 hours. My goodness. I sure hope I sell some books soon.

New BOOK LAUNCH pages added

Here they are. I used a simple JavaScript utility to create the pages, and then I just customized the page myself. Unfortunately, the thumbnails are not true thumbnails, and only images scalled down, so they don't look great. But at least there is something up there now.

Updates to the WALLOW site design

I realized on Saturday, while trolling in the waters of other authors out there, that my web site didn't seem very professional. The thing that most professional web sites have is a footer bar with contact information. So I added it. To all the pages.

On Sunday, I uploaded a ton of pictures: first, a couple of portraits to be used on the author bio page, and then a bunch of pictures from the launch party to be used on the launch party pages when I actually get them designed.

I also took the time to upload my latest Books Read update. I will redesign the page and make it something I update on a regular basis. The next logical step would be to have a "What I'm reading right now" page, but that sounds like future development to me.